中国出海企业如何利用新加坡2024年财政预算案声明把握政策红利商机 ①:增强PACT计划
中国企业出海新加坡,可密切关注每年新加坡财政预算中提及的将由EDB推出的相关外商吸引政策。企业及业务落地新加坡之后,可积极申请或利用IE Singapore推出的出口推广和市场开拓支持,向东南亚及其他地区辐射和扩展。
中国出海企业把握新加坡2024财政预算红利 ③:Annex B-2:企业支持一揽子计划
2024年财政预算案中最重磅的主项内容均收录在附件 B-2中,统称为“企业支持一揽子计划“(ANNEX B-2: ENTERPRISE SUPPORT PACKAGE),该计划将为企业提供支持,以管理不断增长的成本。
中国出海企业把握新加坡2024财政预算红利 ②:金融业发展基金(FSDF)
Audit Exemption
The companies comply with certain provisions of the Singapore Companies Act, are exempt from an audit of their accounts.
Audit Requirements
There are three main types of audits: external audits, internal audits and tax audits.
An Introduction to Various Taxes in Singapore
Corporate Income Tax/Consumption tax/Estimated Tax/Withholding tax/Personal income tax
Singapore Accounting Standards
Business entities around the world report on their financial performance through financial reports.
Banks in Singapore and Ones That You Need to Know
Singapore is an internationally-renowned financial center, serving not only its domestic economy but also the entire Asia Pacific region.