1.人才竞争力 - 位列亚洲第一世界第十、亚洲第一
- (资料来源:洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD), 2019 IMD世界人才排名)
2.吸引全球人才 - 世界第二
- 资料来源:欧洲工商管理学院,2019年全球人才竞争力指数创业人才世界第二
3.对创业人才的吸引力 - 世界第二
- (资料来源:Startup Genome, 2019年全球起步公司生态圈调查)
- 超过50%的员工为高技术人才
- 来源:世界经济论坛,2017全球人力资本报告
- 来源:新加坡统计局,2019年教育、口语、识字和识字率(年龄为15岁及其以上的居民)
3. 英文水平最佳——亚洲第一
- 来源:英孚英语,2019英孚英文水平指数
Singapore's bilingual education policy also means that Singaporeans are fluent in English, and can speak at least one other language, such as Mandarin, Malay or Tamil.
- 侨民宜居之地世界第二
- 资料来源:2019年汇丰银行,侨民探索者调查
- 来源:新加坡统计局,2015年综合住户统计调查
As a cosmopolitan city, Singapore hosts highly-skilled individuals from different countries and backgrounds. From junior employees to the top brass, Singapore has been attracting the world's best talents.
As a pivotal regional hub, Singapore has diversified industries with employees from different Asian labor markets. This has also established beneficial exchanges with these markets. Singaporean talent thus possess rich "Asian experience" and are all generalists. Their in-depth understanding of the Asian market will greatly help your business.
Singapore is committed to empowering its talent through continuous training to ensure that they can adapt to rapidly changing business needs and technological progress. Singapore's government, universities, research institutes and other public sectors and industries are also working closely to create a sustainable talent pool and inject momentum into future-oriented businesses.
新加坡也在提高人才的数码能力。技能创前程计划中的加快培训专才计划(TechSkills Accelerator,简称TeSA)能为员工提供多种培训课程,确保他们能够胜任数码岗位和科技岗位。
- 2015至2020年,新加坡政府 为继续教育和培训平均 每年支出10亿新币(约50亿人民币)
- 来源:新加坡财政部,2019新加坡财政预算案,预算案声明
2. Attracting and empowering talents - 亚洲第一
- 资料来源:欧洲工商管理学院,2019年全球人才竞争力指数
Singapore's world-class universities and colleges are keenly aware of the needs of the industry and work closely with industries to meet them. They have established partnerships with leading companies such as IBM, Salesforce, Rolls Royce, Keppel and Applied Materials, and have trained future talent in the fields of artificial intelligence, biotechnology, blockchain technology, data analysis and robotics.
- Top universities - two local universities (National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University), ,并列排名亚洲第一和全球第十一
- 来源:夸夸雷利·西蒙兹(QS),QS世界大学排名
2. University-industry research collaboration - 世界第十
- 数据来源:康奈尔大学,欧洲工商管理学院和世界知识产权组织,2019年全球创新指数